Friday 11 July 2008

Online Health Records & Data Storage

How far the power of the internet has come. It only seems like yesterday when TV adverts like Broadband has Landed raised awareness of the increasing speeds and how that would enable more data to be shared and accessed faster. When that advert was run average UK broadband speeds still hovered in th Kb/s measurement - now any home user can perform a broadband speedtest and be pleasantly surprised with the results - average is around 5mb/s - remember the advertised max speeds are misleading and there are moves afoot to address this deception.

Reading this latest news about Intel's Health Guide it is clear that a new era in medical record keeping is upon us with Microsoft HealthVault and Google Health both offering medical file storage and backup for information about your health and a combination of mobile, broadband and bluetooth technologies is now making routine health measurements such as blood pressure readings something we can do ourselves - self management of health and send onto the web for experts to check.

Intel expects the Health Guide to be available from healthcare providers in the United States and the United Kingdom later this year or early next.