Monday 25 February 2008

Computer Help in the Home

The first desktop Computer that we purchased years ago when both of our children were young. It was right in back of where I am sitting now (with my Asus Eee PC) at a desk in a part of the house where we could monitor what they were viewing on the internet. With four of us using one computer, and the children using it to play games, download software - thank heavens for a super fast broadband internet connection, and more, things would not work properly at times, and we'd find ourselves in need of home IT support, because we didn't know what we were doing. We would call the manufacturer of our computer - Dell - who eventually answered the phone (three hours of folky fiddles and rapperty tapperty irish drums whilst on hold being our household record), and depending upon who answered the phone we would get help, or more often than not end up in more of a mess than we started out with.

I checked out a computer repair site today that helps people with just the kind of problem I am talking about, they have skilled people ready to answer your questions, and even give you tips on how to do better with your computer. In fact, they help with more than just computers, but other electronics as well - webcams, iPods even footspas if you ask nicely. Stop by and visit BT Home It Support Centre - they could be classed as the Land Rover of the IT support World - A true British Workhorse

Wednesday 20 February 2008


Don't look any further than BT for all your home it support needs

When I need PC Help its BT that I look to